Thursday, June 2, 2011

Give thanks to the LORD

First of all I would like to say thanks for reading this. I’m not much of a writer (or speller for that matter), but I do have this vibe to write every now and then, so I thought I’d try it. After all, the Lord is my strength where I am weak, right!!!

1 Chronicles 16:8
Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done.

I am feeling a little OVER blessed today. Do you ever have those days too? Thank you Lord for our wonderful family, friends and all that you have given us today and everyday!

Let me tell you a little bit about our family.  Russ and I got married in August of 2004, right after we both graduated from Wayne State College. 
It wasn’t long after that that we found out we were pregnant with our first-born. William (name coming from my madden name and Russ’s middle name was born in early January 2006 just missing our tax break! We were excited to have him, although I was a little nervous he was an easy (and is) child to take of.  In fact I began wondering soon after why some women didn’t want more than just one because it was just so much fun taking care of him.  Wasn’t long after that thought that I became pregnant with our second child.  Levi (this was the name of all my boy dolls growing up) was born in May of 2007.  The boys are now BFF’s and I love that they can play (and fight) so well together! I was still hoping for that girl and so we decided to try one more time.  That pregnancy didn’t go so well and we had a stillbirth in the 20th week. Ivan James (this was the name Russ had picked out within the first couple weeks of pregnancy, James was his Grandpas name and just seemed fitting now that Ivan was with his great grandpa). It was meant to be. This took place March of 2009.  Trying to fill my heartbreak we got pregnant once more and had our baby girl Faith Kathleen in January 2010. Her first name needs no explanation and her middle is my mothers first. I remember my mother-in law saying to me after she was born…Heather, you gave birth twice in one year!  All I can say is… I guess we have to go out with a bang right!??
While I was pregnant with Faith Russ and I had decided to purchase a lot and build our dream home. I can remember while we were in college and we filled out some book that Oprah had said if you planned on getting married you should read this together… I made Russ sit down and do it with me once.  Anyway, in this book it had asked what your future goals were and one of Russ’s was to own a house on lake before he was 30. Well, we moved in at the end of October and Russ turned 30 in May. I’m not sure why everyone thinks building a house together is a death to your marriage, Russ and I enjoyed picking things out and working together to create a place for our family to grow and build memories.  My brother-in-law worked as our contractor and did a fabulous job. He did a great job of playing the role of “finding a middle” . He also was wonderful at being so kind with my wild imagination!!!  I remember bringing him magazine spreads and making up ways he had never heard of doing things.  Really though, the house looks beyond our wildest dreams! It sort of has a rustic feel to it!
Russ works at a small door company in town. He works very hard and hardly ever takes vacation so when he does take an afternoon off I get excited to spend that time with him.  This was his first job out of college and he his fantastic at what he does. Without all his hard work we would not have the many blessing we have today!  God works though him in many ways to help us along everyday!
I am mainly a stay at home mom.  I like to spend my time with the kids and learn form them the way life should be enjoyed.    I like to help out at a fitness centers daycare a couple times a week and enjoy teaching swim lessons in the winter months. But mainly my heart was designed to be a mother and just absorb the love children have in their hearts.
Yes, we are truly overwhelmed with blessings!

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